Dr. Robert Feier (Fire) is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic. Palmer is the oldest Chiropractic College in the profession and prides itself on producing some of the best technical adjusters in the industry.
Dr. Feier has been in practice longer than any other Chiropractor in DC and was the first in the District to receive certification in the CBP® (Chiropractic BioPhysics) technique (advanced spine and posture remodeling). In 1996, while touring and practicing in New Zealand, Dr. Feier founded the Spinal Correction Specialists Society © .
The DoctorGoodBack analysis measures your problem and monitors your progress, setting the stage for the best possible correction in the shortest amount of time. Dr. Feier is the only doctor in the area with Video X-Ray technology."To see is to know... Not to see is to guess."